November. Garden work that needs to be done before wintering.


My friends! Late autumn is not the end of the dacha season. Because in November, summer residents and gardeners prepare their plots for wintering. Of course, it will be necessary to cover trees and shrubs.                                                                                                                                                                                              Then clear the soil of debris and foreign objects and mulch. And also do pre-winter watering. It will be great if you can sow vegetable and ornamental plant species for the winter.                            Золотая осень

Garden work;

First you need to prepare your fruit trees to survive the winter calmly. If there was little rainfall in the fall, fruit trees and berry bushes will need to be watered abundantly. It will be necessary to water the soil several times in tree trunk circles.   

Soil impregnation will need to be carried out to a depth of 60 — 80 cm. This will protect the vegetation from dehydration in winter. Moreover, the wet soil does not freeze deeply in winter. And it will not affect the root system. But many types of pests, on the contrary, will die in wet soil.                                                                                                                                                                                               

Soil treatment;                                                            Мульчирование

Immediately after watering the plants, it will be necessary to mulch the soil with compost to a depth of 6-8 cm. This will retain moisture and accumulate nutrients.

Then it will be necessary to clear the trees of dry fruits and carrion under the trunks. Because carrion serves as a source of diseases and pests. However, it is strictly forbidden to place carrion in compost.                                                                                                                                                                                                              A dug hole, at least 40-60 cm deep, is perfect for this. Place everything in it. And then bury everything. An excellent method would be to simply burn all collected garbage in a fire. Naturally, observing fire safety measures.


In order to protect the trunks from rodents, as well as from sunburn in the spring. It will be great if you wrap young trees (from 2 to 6 years old) with spunbond, craft paper or stockings. The height of the bandage is 50-60cm.

It is advisable to whiten mature trees. To do this, you can prepare the following whitewash. 2.5 kg of slaked lime, add 1 kg of clay, 300 grams of copper sulfate. The entire composition is filled with 5 liters of water. You can also paint the trunks with garden paint from the store.                                                                                                    Разноцвет

Multi-colored Can be added to To repel rodents, you can add karbofos to the solution. Approximately 30 ml per 5 liters of finished whitewash. It is necessary to treat trees in dry weather at low positive temperatures.

What can be done in the garden;                        

In the month of November, when frosts have not yet set in and the weather is still warm. You can plant garlic and onion sets. At the same time, to prevent the plantings from freezing in winter, it will be necessary to mulch them with humus or peat. The mulch layer will be about 5 cm.

Also, you can sow the following varieties of vegetable crops;                 

Carrots (varieties; “Nantes-4”, “Moskovskaya Winter”, “Losinoostrovskaya”, “Vitaminnaya-6”, “Incomparable”, “Delicatessen”).                                                                               Beetroot (varieties; “Podzimnyaya”, “Egyptian flat”).                         Parsley (varieties; “Sugar root”, “Ordinary leaf”).                                Семена

Undoubtedly, you can also sow dill, spinach, lettuce, parsnips, etc. However, sowing should be done more densely than in spring. And of course, mulch the beds with a layer of peat or humus. While the soil is not frozen, you can dig up the beds while adding organic fertilizers.

What to do in the flower garden;                 

Before wintering, in November, it will be necessary to cover roses and clematis. They need to be covered when the temperature reaches 3-5 degrees below zero. Next, mulching is carried out with peat and humus.

It will be possible to plant seeds of perennial flowers for the winter; lupine, aquilegia, delphinium, etc. Among the annuals are cosmos, calendula, coreopsis and others.

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