One of the most beautiful types of flowers, of course, is roses!!! Naturally, they require special care. And of course, in order for them to delight you with their beauty, it is necessary to carry out the wintering process correctly. Let’s look at some important points.
Roses and nitrogen fertilizers.
The most basic fertilizer for roses, of course, is nitrogen. Because it promotes plant growth. However, it is not at all advisable to use it as a fertilizer in the fall. For the reason that it will most likely be harmful to flowers.
In addition, nitrogen contributes to the abundant formation of greenery. New shoots are formed. Namely, they will not have time to ripen by winter and will most likely freeze in extreme cold.
Where to start care?
In order to create a stronger root system. It will be necessary to add potassium and phosphorus supplements in the fall. Which helps to increase resistance to frost. Typically, these fertilizers are added both root and non-root.
For each type of fertilizing, the same complex fertilizers can be used. The only difference is that the concentration of the finished solution is different. In particular, for root feeding; Complex fertilizer (for roses, “Autumn”), monophosphate potassium Feeding 15 — 20 g will need to be diluted with 10 liters of water. You can also use a solution of potassium sulfate (10 g), superphosphate 25 g, and boric acid (2.5 g).
Each component must be diluted in 10 liters of water. Top dressing made from wood ash is also perfect. When foliar feeding, these drugs are applied only in lower concentrations. When spraying leaves, the ash solution consists of 200 g per 10 liters of water.
Pruning shoots should be done on time.
When the shoots have not yet become woody, it is not advisable to prune them. If they are pruned in the fall, in the absence of cold weather. Other new shoots are growing. And this is not desirable. Because in winter, in extreme cold, they will simply die.
Trimming time; The best time for pruning non-lignified shoots is the end of September and October. In addition, sanitary pruning is also performed. Diseased and damaged branches are removed.
Be sure to carry out moisture-charging irrigation.
Undoubtedly, to obtain healthier and more beautiful rose bushes, it will be necessary to carry out moisture-charging watering. However, it should be done very carefully.
Because, with excess moisture, and even in cold weather, it can contribute to rotting of the root system. And even to the death of rose bushes. If the autumn was dry, the need for watering becomes mandatory.
Why is this necessary? Due to the fact that wet soil freezes to a much lesser depth than dry soil. And accordingly, it better protects the root system.
Irrigation process; The final pre-winter watering will need to be carried out one and a half to two weeks before frost. Water consumption will have to be approximately 15 liters per bush. For climbing varieties of roses, the consumption can already be 30 — 35 liters of liquid.
When is it necessary to cover roses?
Under no circumstances should roses be covered too early. For the reason that the bushes will begin to rot. Covered rose bushes, in the absence of cold, will create a greenhouse effect. Which enhances the development of rot and fungus.
When to cover; It is necessary to provide shelter at a stable air temperature within 5 degrees below zero. And besides, when the soil partially freezes. With light frosts, the bushes harden and become frost-resistant.
Do not bend roses for shelter during frost;
Varieties of tall roses, for shelter, first need to be tilted towards the ground. This procedure should only be carried out in warm weather.
Because in frost, the branches become fragile and can simply break. In addition, the bark may burst, through which all sorts of infections can enter.
The process of bending branches; The tilting process itself must be carried out in warm weather, at a temperature not lower than zero degrees. At this time, the shoots still remain flexible. The bending process should be carried out over several days. This is especially true for bushes with stiff branches.
Film cannot be used;
It is not advisable to use film to cover rose bushes. Because this is one of the most unreliable covering agents. What is the reason? Yes, because the film does not allow air to pass through. Due to this, a greenhouse effect occurs inside. As a result, the bushes become rotten and fungus may develop.
What to do?; The presence of air under cover is the most important condition for a quiet wintering of roses. Therefore, it is advisable to use a covering material that allows air to pass through perfectly. These include: agrofibre, spruce branches, burlap, etc.Firstly, they perfectly protect bushes from severe frosts. They also allow air inside, creating healthy ventilation.
It is forbidden to hill up bushes in wet weather with the same damp soil.
Also, one of the main methods of protecting the roots and the entire bush as a whole is its hilling. However, under no circumstances should these procedures be carried out in rainy or damp weather. In addition, you cannot use damp soil. The roots may begin to rot and become infected with fungus.
How to do it right;
The hilling process itself must be carried out in dry weather. The material you are going to use must be loose and dry. Which perfectly allows air to pass through and protects the root system from harmful factors. A mixture of matured compost, sand and peat is a good choice for this.
It is not advisable to use them separately. Because they become saturated with moisture and cake. It is also not recommended to use sawdust. For the reason that they usually undergo a process of rotting. And this is already harmful for bushes and roots.
Do not leave leaves and flowers on the bushes;
This is also an important factor in the process of preparing rose bushes for winter. It is necessary to remove all leaves and remaining flowers from the bushes. For the reason that in winter they rot and become a source of all sorts of diseases. Due to the fact that even in winter, the process of respiration and evaporation in plants continues. Consequently, the level of humidity under the coating increases. Which can lead to rotting of leaves and even shoots.
It is necessary to constantly remove leaves and remaining buds from the bushes and from the ground around the roses. This will not allow the fungus to develop and the wintering process will be successful.
It is necessary to remember about covered roses;
With the arrival of a thaw, the humidity level in covered roses increases significantly. This is not advisable. Because it can lead to diseases. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out ventilationWith the arrival of a thaw, the humidity level in covered roses increases significantly. s necessary to carry out ventilation
Necessary procedures;
Every day, on days of warming, it is necessary to open the material so that air can easily penetrate under the shelter. And the moisture could evaporate. When stable warm weather arrives, it will be possible to remove all covering material.